
Barca13 - founded in 2010 in Lisbon - by Gonçalo Tocha, director, and Sophie Barbara, producer,was initially created to serve as a production structure for Gonçalo Tocha's cinematographic and musical work and for the creation of cultural projects where Sophie Barbara is responsible for production.

Together, they have produced, distributed and promoted 4 feature-length documentary films and 1 short film that have won awards at national and international festivals. They have also published 2 DVDs and 1 book of their films distributed in Portugal.

Over time, Barca13 has extended its area of work through various professional collaborations in music, art installations, cultural events, allowing it to specialize its skills in the area of audiovisual production and as a cultural agent.

In 2018, the company moved to the Azores archipelago, where new facilities were set up at Casa da Missão, Portugal's first volcanological observatory, a historic space in Capelo, on the island of Faial, next to the Capelinhos volcano. As of now, they focus their activity on film productions on the islands, adopting the surname Insulares Filmes where they also make their production capacity and knowledge of the territory available to third-party projects and inaugurated in 2021AvistaVulcão, a space for artist residencies, which welcomes artists and their projects.