Artistic Residencies
1º Artist Residency Season 2023
António Regis da Silva + Lois Patiño + Rachel Gordy & Eric Devanthéry + Livia Diniz

This year, AVISTAVULCÃO is launching its first season of artistic residencies at Casa da Missão in an annual program that aims to turn the space surrounding the Capelinhos Volcano into a place for cutting-edge international creation.

The artist residency project begins in 2023 with a year-round program of residencies with artists from Brazil, Spain, Switzerland, the USA and Belgium, divided into two seasons.

Inspired by the history of the house as the residence of the Capelinhos scientific mission, AVISTAVULCÃO has created an avant-garde artistic residency space at Casa da Missão for the island, for the Azores archipelago, in communication with the world.