Men Without Heart
From Guilherme Piló Sales
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AvistaVulcão: A Casa da Missão organized the launch of a very special book, Homens Sem Coração, an unprecedented account of the life of a cod fisherman on the North Atlantic seas, written by a fisherman and remarkable storyteller, Guilherme Piló Sales, 79, a fisherman from the Portuguese coast, who was on the islands of Faial and Pico for the presentation.

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Book launch at the Horta Public Library

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Book launch at the Whalers' Museum in Lajes do Pico

Guilherme Piló Sales was born in 1942 in Nazaré, where he grew up in the middle of boats and fish boxes until the age of five. At an early age, he moved with his family to Matosinhos, where he learned to swim and fish on the beach. At the age of seven, they moved to Leça, carrying their meager possessions in a wheelbarrow. At the age of twelve, he moved to Vila Chã, where he began his life at sea, fishing for pout and conger eels with a handline and bows. He went cod fishing for the first time when he was seventeen, in 1960.